About Us
Exicon Group is a diversified marketing solutions provider which was founded in 2000. Exicon unites brands and people across the world through meaningful connections that drive business success.
Since its inception, Exicon has been analyzing the business benefits of building meaningful connections for brands. This unique global framework drives everything we do and empowers businesses worldwide by offering new solutions for favorable business achievements.
So, what makes us different? The presence of an innate creative culture that gets reflected in whatever we undertake. In an era of integration, we have consciously created an identity
of being a one-stop solution provider specializing in the delivery of 360° marketing campaigns. This helps us maintain the promised business agility and flexibility.
Our Core Team

Group Managing Director
Prakash Bind

Co-Founder, VP-Procurement & Exipro
Dharmendra Chauhan

Business Head (Prakash Display pvt. Ltd.)
Ashish Bind